Monday, June 4, 2012

Photos of the pyramid of King Khufu (Cheops)

The pyramid of King Khufu (Cheops)

The pyramid of Khufu (Cheops) is the largest Egyptian pyramids and the secrets of the metaphysical.
Date of Building: 2650 BC
Building time: 20 years
Height of the pyramid of
Khufu (Cheops): 146.7 meters
Base side length of the pyramid of Khufu (Cheops): 230 meters
Cheops' pyramid base area: 53,060 square meters.
It was built of 2.3 million stone
Average weight of the stone: 2.5 metric tons.
The number of builders: 25 thousand workers.
Khufu's pyramid from the inside: there is inside the pyramid corridors leading to rooms, the most important burial chamber of King.

Statue of King Khufu  (Cheops)

The pyramid of King Khufu  (Cheops)

  King Khufu's pyramid from the top

  The entrance to the pyramid of King Khufu  (Cheops)

  Corridor entered the pyramid of King Khufu  (Cheops)

  Staircase inside the Pyramid of King Khufu  (Cheops)

  King Khufu's coffin room

  Another room inside the pyramid of Khufu  (Cheops)

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