Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Photos of Temple Valley

Photos of Temple Valley

Egypt: Cairo: Giza :: Pyramids area
Builder of the Temple of the valley: The

ancient Egyptians built the temple during the reign of King Khafre.
The history of the valley temple: 26 century BC.

The valley temple was built for:
Prayers and religious rituals.
Washing and embalming of the king.

Components of the Valley Temple:
Temple Valley consists of several squares where people congregate to establish rituals.
The roof of the temple holds a 16 column made ​​of granite.
The roof of the temple does not exist now because of the weather factors that have been for over 4500 years.

There are gaps in the floor of the temple specially designed to install and set up three and twenty royal statue of King Khafre.

 Photos of Temple Valley


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